Privacy Policy and Terms of Service


The Smart Room Management System is designed to streamline room management activities within organizations, providing users with tools to efficiently schedule, monitor, and manage various aspects of room usage. This policy governs the use of the App and outlines user responsibilities, data privacy and security measures, intellectual property rights, updates and modifications, termination, disclaimer of liability, and governing law and jurisdiction.

User Responsibilities

2.1 App Usage

Users are responsible for using the App in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The App is intended for authorized individuals involved in room management activities within their organization. Users should not use the App for any unlawful purposes or in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the functionality of the App.

2.2 Account Security

Users are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of their App account credentials. Any activity conducted through the user's account is their sole responsibility. Users should not share their account credentials with others and should promptly notify the App provider if they suspect unauthorized access to their account.

2.3 Appropriate Use

Users must use the App for its intended purpose and refrain from engaging in any illegal, unauthorized, or disruptive activities that may compromise the security or integrity of the App or its users. This includes but is not limited to attempting to gain unauthorized access to the App or its related systems, interfering with the proper functioning of the App, or violating any applicable laws or regulations.

Data Privacy and Security

3.1 Data Collection and Usage

The App may collect certain personal and non-personal information to provide its services effectively. This may include user registration data, usage data, and device information. By using the App, users consent to the collection, storage, and processing of their data in accordance with applicable privacy laws and the App's privacy policy. The App provider will only use collected data for the purposes outlined in the privacy policy and will not sell or share user data with third parties without consent.

3.2 Data Security

We take appropriate measures to protect the security and integrity of user data. This includes implementing industry-standard security practices such as encryption, access controls, and regular security audits. However, users should also take necessary precautions to secure their devices and use secure network connections while accessing the App. This may include using strong, unique passwords, keeping software and security patches up to date, and being cautious of phishing attempts or other malicious activities.

Intellectual Property

The App and its contents, including but not limited to software, logos, trademarks, and other intellectual property, are owned by or licensed to the respective owners. Users shall not modify, reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works based on the App without obtaining proper authorization. Users may only use the App and its content for personal or internal business purposes and may not use it for commercial purposes without prior written consent.

Updates and Modifications

We may release updates, enhancements, or modifications to the App from time to time. Users are responsible for keeping their App updated to ensure optimal functionality and security. Updates may include bug fixes, performance improvements, or new features, and users are encouraged to install updates promptly to maintain compatibility and security.


We reserve the right to suspend or terminate access to the App at any time and for any reason, including but not limited to violation of this policy or applicable laws. In the event of termination, users may lose access to their account and any associated data. The App provider will make reasonable efforts to notify users in advance of any termination, unless immediate action is necessary to address security or legal concerns.

Disclaimer of Liability

While we strive to provide accurate and reliable information through the App, we disclaim any liability for errors, omissions, or consequences arising from the use of the App. Users acknowledge that the App is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis, without any warranties or guarantees of any kind, express or implied. Users agree to use the App at their own risk and to assume full responsibility for any actions taken based on information obtained through the App.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This App Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this policy shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts.